Enlistamos debajo las más recientes "perlas" publicadas en New Zealand Doctor. Podemos ingresar directamente a cada una de ellas a través del link:
PEARLS 24 - Psychological therapy based on cognitive behavioural therapy is effective short term treatment for generalised anxiety disorder(First published New Zealand Doctor, 7 November 2007)
PEARLS 23 Surgical discectomy is of benefit to selected patients
PEARLS 22 - Effectiveness of contracts for improving patient adherence no demonstrated
PEARLS 21 - Local corticosteroid injections improve symptoms of carpal tunnel (First published New Zealand Doctor, 24 October 2007)
PEARLS 20 - Response rates to postal questionnaires can be increased
PEARLS 19 - Low molecular weight heparin or non-steroidal antiinflammatorydrugs are the best treatment for superficial thrombophlebitis
PEARLS 18 - Bupropion and nortriptyline aid long term smoking cessation but selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors do not (First published New Zealand Doctor, 10 October 2007)
PEARLS 17 - Effectiveness of prolotherapy injections for chronic low back pain uncertain
PEARLS 16 - Organised systems of regular follow-up and review can improve blood pressure control
PEARLS 15 - Evidence lacking on treatment options for vaginal bleeding irregularities induced by progestin-only contraceptives (First published New Zealand Doctor, 26 September 2007)
PEARLS 14 - Oral steroids are effective short term treatment for adhesive capsulitis
PEARLS 13 - Brief alcohol interventions are effective in reducing hazardous or harmful drinking in men
PEARLS 12 - Evidence lacking on Chinese medicinal herb treatment for the common cold (First published New Zealand Doctor, 12 September 2007)
PEARLS 11 - Glue may be better than stitches, staples or adhesive tape for simple cuts
PEARLS 10 - Oral erythromycin may be effective in trating the symptoms of pityriasis rosea
PEARLS 9 - Is routine therapeutic monitoring of antiepileptic drugs for newly diagnosed patients necessary? (First published New Zealand Doctor, 29 August 2007)
PEARLS 8 - Colchicine is a second line therapy for acute gout
PEARLS 7 - Anitcholinergics effective for overactive bladder syndrome
PEARLS 6 - Short term cardioselective beta-blocker use safe in COPD
PEARLS 5 - Cognitive behaviour therapy for tinnitus improves quality of life
PEARLS 4 - Local oestrogen a treatment option for vaginal atrophy (First published New Zealand Doctor, 15 August 2007)
PEARLS 3 - Oral tetracyclines are effective for acne vulgaris (First published New Zealand Doctor, 1 August 2007)
PEARLS 2 - Nicotine receptor partial agonists help people stop smoking
PEARLS 1 - Topical treatments better than systemic antibiotics for chronically discharging ears (First published New Zealand Doctor, 18 July 2007)
jueves, 8 de noviembre de 2007
"Perlas Cochrane" de Nueva Zelanda
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Etiquetas: Temas Clínicos-Guías